



# Please always try to contact Opera Security Team through our responsible disclosure form which is available
# under Report an Issue to speed up things. Keep in mind that there are also separate dedicated forms for
# reporting a fraud page or submitting privacy inquiry.
Contact: https://security.opera.com
# Reporting an issue regarding Opera assets covered by Opera Public Bug Bounty should be done at:
Contact: https://bugcrowd.com/opera
# Should that not be an option please reach to us via following email address:
Contact: mailto:security@opera.com

# You shouldn't trust this file, once it has expired.
# We are sometimes a bit forgetful, but we do have an annual re-occuring task to keep this file up-to-date.
Expires: 2025-05-05T00:00:00.000Z

# pub rsa4096 2024-05-02 [SC] [expires: 2026-05-02]
# Key fingerprint = 9054 676E E72E 2654 4AA2 B642 200D 06B9 1A99 301A
# uid Opera Security Team

# Available at:
Encryption: https://security.opera.com/gpg-key/
# Or via PGP keyservers: hkps://keyserver.ubuntu.com and hkps://pgp.mit.edu
# Example: gpg --keyserver hkps://pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys
Encryption: openpgp4fpr:9054676EE72E26544AA2B642200D06B91A99301A

# Hall of Fame honouring resarchers that helped Opera improve security can be found at:
Acknowledgments: https://security.opera.com/hall-of-fame/
# Up to date Opera Public Bug Bounty hall of fame can be found at:
Acknowledgments: https://bugcrowd.com/opera/hall-of-fame

# We can offer you a proper response in the following languages:
Preferred-Languages: en, pl

# If you would like to report a security issue please first read our responsible disclosure policy:
Policy: https://security.opera.com/policy/

# Opera is hiring and looking for people like you! Current opening can be found at:
Hiring: https://jobs.opera.com
Hiring: https://linkedin.com/company/opera-software/jobs

Additional details

  • Unexpected token 9054676EE72E26544AA2B642200D06B91A99301A found.

    Parse error in line 24, column 1.